Stepmother Tries to Kick Her Stepson Out, Unaware She Would Soon Be on the Streets Herself — Story of the Day


After a long day, college student Marcus returns home only to be blindsided—his stepmother demands he move out within three days to prepare for a new baby. Faced with fear and anger, Marcus confronts his family and uncovers hidden secrets that redefine his place in their lives.

Marcus returned home from his part-time job, feeling drained. He was 19 and still in college, juggling classes during the day and working at a local video game store in the evenings.

Every night, he stayed up late to finish his schoolwork, struggling to keep up with his studies.

Marcus hadn’t planned on working until after graduation since it wasn’t necessary. His father, Tom, earned enough to support him, but his stepmother, Karen, insisted that he get a job.

She claimed it was to teach him responsibility, but Marcus knew the truth—Karen just wanted him out of the house more. His father believed Karen and pressured him into getting a part-time job, leaving him no choice.

As Marcus stepped into the house, he hoped for a moment of peace. Instead, Karen immediately confronted him at the door.

“Why are you so late? Did you forget you were supposed to clean today?” Karen’s voice cut through the air.

Marcus sighed, feeling the weight of the day. “I had a tough day and I’m tired. I’ll clean tomorrow.”

Karen’s eyes narrowed. “What do you mean tomorrow? You have responsibilities, and you need to follow through with them.”

Marcus clenched his fists, frustration bubbling up. “You’re home all day. Is it really that hard to clean?”

Karen’s face turned red. “How dare you speak to me like that!”

The noise drew his father into the room. “What’s going on here?” Tom asked, looking between Marcus and Karen.

“Marcus refuses to clean,” Karen said, crossing her arms.

“I’m not refusing. I just said I’ll clean tomorrow. I’m tired today,” Marcus explained, trying to keep his voice steady.

His father looked at Karen. “See, Karen, he’ll clean tomorrow.”

Marcus was relieved but exhausted. He turned to go to his room, wanting nothing more than to collapse onto his bed.

“Don’t go anywhere tonight; we have important news,” his father called after him.

Marcus nodded, too drained to argue. He went to his room, threw himself onto his bed, and stared at the ceiling, wondering what the “important news” could be.

Marcus napped for about an hour before his father woke him up, gently shaking his shoulder. “Come downstairs, son. We need to talk.”

Rubbing his eyes, Marcus got up and made his way to the kitchen. They had set a small table for him with a plate of leftovers since they had eaten dinner while he was at work.

He sat down and started serving himself some food, feeling the gnawing hunger in his stomach. As he began to eat, he noticed his father and Karen watching him closely, their eyes following his every move. The air felt thick with anticipation.

“What?” Marcus asked, looking from his father to Karen, confusion clouding his face.

His father smiled broadly. “We have important news for you,” he said, glancing at Karen, who also flashed a faint smile.

Marcus continued eating, his eyes darting between them as he tried to read their expressions. “So, what’s the news?” he asked, feeling a mix of curiosity and unease.

Tom and Karen exchanged a quick glance before announcing in unison, “We’re pregnant!”

Startled, Marcus choked on his food, coughing and quickly reaching for his water. “Congratulations… I guess.” He forced a smile.

His father’s eyes shone with joy. “Thank you! We’re thrilled!”

Marcus saw the happiness on his father’s face, but Karen’s stern look made him uneasy. “Right,” his father said, his tone shifting. “We’ve been thinking… and I don’t know how to say this… but we’ve decided…”

“You need to move out,” Karen interrupted, her voice cold and firm.

Marcus’s eyes widened in shock. “What? Dad, what is she talking about?” He turned to his father, seeking reassurance.

Karen crossed her arms. “I want to prepare the house for the baby, do some renovations, and you’ll just be in the way,” she said, her words cutting deep.

Marcus protested. “But where will I go? This is my home too,” feeling a mix of anger and disbelief.

“Tom, say something,” Karen urged.

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