Stepmother Tries to Kick Her Stepson Out, Unaware She Would Soon Be on the Streets Herself — Story of the Day

Tom sighed, looking conflicted. “But he has a point; maybe he should stay, at least while he’s in school.”

“We’ve already discussed this,” Karen hissed, her eyes flashing with irritation.

Tom looked at Marcus, then back at Karen. “Alright, Marcus, you need to move out,” he said, sounding defeated.

“But I can’t afford a place. I work part-time and study. I don’t even know if I’ll have enough money to rent a room!” Marcus said angrily, his voice rising.

“You’re 19, you’re an adult now, and you need to learn to live on your own,” Karen said, her tone unyielding.

“She’s right, this is your chance to start your adult life,” his father added, though he didn’t seem convinced.

“Go to hell!” Marcus shouted, standing abruptly. He stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him, anger and betrayal coursing through him.

That evening, he lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to process everything. Then he heard muffled voices coming from the living room. Curious, he got up and pressed his ear against the door.

His father’s voice was calm but unsure. “Maybe Marcus should stay, at least while he’s in school,” he suggested.

“No, Tom. He has to go.” Karen’s voice was sharp and insistent. “He’ll only be a burden. We need space for the baby.”

Marcus felt a knot in his stomach. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. After a while, there was a knock on his door. Karen entered, her face set in a stern expression.

“We talked and decided that you need to move out in three days,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

“Three days?! Are you crazy?! How am I supposed to find a place in three days?” Marcus shouted, his frustration boiling over.

“Not my problem. And don’t you dare speak to me like that again,” Karen said coldly before leaving the room.

Marcus sat down on his bed, feeling desperate and alone, unsure of what to do next.

He knew talking to his father was pointless since he always sided with Karen. He had no close relatives to turn to for help.

Marcus couldn’t understand why Karen hated him so much. He had always treated her well and helped around the house. His mother had left him when he was just three years old, so he was happy when his father first brought Karen home.

He thought she would bring some happiness and stability to their lives. But now he realized it was never mutual. Karen never liked him.

Marcus looked for rooms to rent, but no one wanted to rent to a student with a part-time job. Every listing he called ended in rejection.

He couldn’t stay with friends either since they all still lived with their parents. He felt trapped and desperate, not knowing what to do next.

In his darkest moment, he remembered his Aunt Rose, his late grandmother’s sister, who was also his godmother. She lived far away, but he had no other option. He picked up the phone and dialed her number, his hands shaking.

“Hello, Aunt Rose? It’s Marcus,” he said, his voice trembling.

“Marcus, dear, what’s wrong?” Rose asked, sensing his distress.

He told her everything—how Karen and his father were forcing him to move out, how he couldn’t find a place to stay, and how desperate he felt.

Rose listened quietly, then said in a calm, firm voice, “Do nothing. I’ll be there soon. I will take the first available flight.”

Marcus felt a wave of relief wash over him. He didn’t know how his Aunt Rose would help, but just knowing that someone cared gave him hope.

He sat near his bed, waiting and wondering what would happen next, grateful for the first time in days. The uncertainty of his future still loomed over him, but he now had a glimmer of hope.

The next day, Rose arrived. Marcus had never seen her so angry. She marched into the house, her face set in a fierce expression, and called everyone into the living room. Marcus, his father, and Karen all sat down on the couch, nervously glancing at each other.

“What are you thinking, trying to kick a child out of his home?” Rose yelled, her voice shaking with fury.

Karen crossed her arms and glared back. “He’s 19, he’s not a child,” she snapped.

Rose’s eyes narrowed. “He’s still in school, and no one asked for your opinion. I have plenty to say about you too,” she shot back.

“Rose, what’s going on?” Marcus’s father, Tom, asked, looking bewildered.

Rose took a deep breath. “Here’s what: you have no right to kick Marcus out of this house because it’s his house,” she said firmly.

Marcus’s eyes widened in shock. He couldn’t understand how this could be possible.

Karen laughed, a harsh sound. “That’s impossible,” she said dismissively.

Rose shook her head. “It’s very possible. My late sister saw through your scheming ways and understood you would try to use her son, so right before she died, she amended her will and transferred the house to Marcus to prevent exactly what’s happening now,” she explained.

Marcus felt a mix of emotions. His grandmother had looked out for him even after her death, but the revelation left him stunned.

Tom looked confused and upset. “Why am I hearing this for the first time?” he asked, his voice shaky.

“She asked me to keep it a secret unless a critical situation arose, and this is such a situation,” Rose replied.

Karen’s face turned red with anger. “This is our house! Not Marcus’s!” she screamed.

“No, it’s Marcus’s house. Since he turned 18,” Rose said calmly.

“This is unfair! It’s wrong!” Karen continued to scream, her voice growing louder.

Rose raised an eyebrow. “I’m curious about what you consider wrong,” she said. “Drinking wine with a friend when you’re supposedly pregnant?”

Karen’s face went pale. “What? How did you…?” she stammered.

“I saw you this morning, at the cafe,” Rose said simply.

Tom turned to Karen, his face a mix of shock and hurt. “Is that true? Is that how you treat our future child?” he asked.

Karen looked desperate. “There is no baby!” she blurted out, then covered her mouth as she realized what she had just said.

“You lied to me?” Tom asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Karen tried to recover. “I just wanted Marcus to move out! But we could still have a baby,” she pleaded.

“No. Right now, you’re going to pack your things and leave,” Tom said, his voice firm and final.

“But…” Karen tried to protest, tears streaming down her face.

“Now!” he shouted, his patience gone.

In tears, Karen went to the bedroom to pack her things. Marcus watched her go, feeling a strange mix of relief and sadness.

His father turned to him, his eyes full of regret. “I’m sorry you had to go through all this. I don’t know what came over me,” he said.

Marcus shook his head. “It’s okay,” he replied, though he knew it wasn’t entirely true.

“No, it’s not. But we’ll be alright. From now on, I will always put you first,” his father said, pulling him into a hug.

Marcus hugged him back, feeling truly loved for the first time in a long while. As they held each other, he felt a sense of relief and warmth that he hadn’t felt in years.

He realized that, despite everything, his father did care about him. This moment of genuine connection made him hopeful that things could get better.

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If you enjoyed this story, read this one: After another argument with her husband, Camila seeks solace from her grandmother. While helping sort through old things in the attic, she stumbles upon her grandmother’s diaries. But what she discovers within their pages will change her understanding of her family forever.


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