Why People Keep A Roll Of Toilet Paper In Their Fridge

You can take it to the next level by adding an extra layer of anti-odor protection to your toilet paper. Two more pieces of advice:

Mix it with baking soda for an extra natural deodorizer boost. Along with your roll of toilet paper, keep a package of baking soda in your refrigerator. If you want your refrigerator to smell fresh all the time, combine these two odor-fighting substances.

Make a paste of baking soda and apply it straight to the toilet paper roll to eliminate deeper entrenched scents. To form a thick paste, just combine a little amount of water with baking soda. Once combined, spread the mixture over the roll. Doing so will enhance the toilet paper’s ability to absorb odors.

Although it may seem strange at first, storing a roll of toilet paper in your refrigerator is a quick and easy solution to eliminate those pesky smells. The key is to make the most of toilet paper’s inherent absorbency. On top of that, it’s easy for everyone to try, cheap, and good for the environment. Now you know what to do the next time you open your fridge and notice an unpleasant odor; just keep this advice in mind and your refrigerator will smell much better.

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