Vanilla cake


– 102 g heavy cream
– 234 g caster sugar
– 0.5 g salt
– 167 g eggs
– 10 g yolk
– 120 g type 55 flour
– 42 g cocoa powder From our Secrets de Pro @michelcluizel range
– 4 g baking powder
– 62 g melted butter
– 7.5 g oil
– 59 g 72% KAYAMBE dark chocolate – 75 g 72% KAYAMBE
dark chocolate


– Melt the butter and the first part of the chocolate (59g) in a bain-marie.
– Mix the cream, sugar and salt at high speed for 4 min.
– Add half of the eggs, and yolk, mix for 2 min.
– Add the powders.
– Add the second part of the eggs.
– Add the butter, chocolate mixture and oil.
– Add the chocolate chips (75g).


– Fill a pocket with each cake batter.
– In a 25cm by 7cm cake tin and 6.5cm high, fill with 150 g of vanilla cake batter in a zigzag
pattern – Garnish with 200 g of chocolate batter in an inverted zigzag.
– Repeat the operation with 150 g of vanilla cake batter
– Then 100 g of chocolate cake batter.
– Using a knife, make shapes of 8 to mix your two mixtures, at the end of the mold come back in a straight line.
– On top, poach a light dash of softened butter to allow your cake to explode when baked
– Leather between 40 and 50 minutes at 150°C depending on your

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