This Is the Best Chicken I Have Ever Tasted: A Super Easy Recipe

Cooking the Vegetables
In the same pan, fry the chopped onion, carrot, and celery root for about 10 minutes. Cooking the vegetables in the same pan ensures the flavors meld and create a rich, savory base for the dish.
Creating the Sauce
Now, add the tomato sauce to the pan with the vegetables. Season the mixture to taste and add water as needed. The sauce should be rich and slightly thick.

Bringing It All Together
Return the chicken to the pan and simmer it together with the vegetables and sauce for about 20 minutes. This cooking process allows the flavors to meld and the chicken to fully cook and absorb the delicious sauce.
Adding the Finishing Touches
Finally, add the chopped parsley and canned peas to the pan. Cook everything together for another 5 minutes. The peas add a pop of color and sweetness, while the parsley brightens the dish with its fresh flavor.
Serving Suggestions
This chicken dish pairs perfectly with a variety of side dishes. Consider serving it with:

  • Rice: Steamed rice is a classic side that soaks up the flavorful sauce.
  • Mashed potatoes: The creamy texture of mashed potatoes complements the dish well.
  • Crusty bread: Use bread to mop up any remaining sauce on your plate!

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