The Secret of the Little Bottle for an Always Impeccable Bathroom: Intact for 1 Month!

For our homemade recipe, you will need at least four lemons. Squeeze the juice into one bowl and reserve the squeezed peels in another.

Next, place 500 ml of water and the reserved lemon peels in your blender. Blend until you obtain a thick pulp, then strain the solution into a clean container.

To the filtered solution, add a tablespoon of baking soda and mix until a white foam forms. After the effervescence of the lemon and baking soda has subsided, add one tablespoon of alcohol, one tablespoon of salt, and one tablespoon of dish soap.

Filter this solution into the plastic bottle and seal it tightly. Now, use it in your toilets.

Leave the product to act for at least five minutes and then clean everything. You will be amazed to see your sanitary facilities white and spotless, like new, and also, scented.

This technique allows you to keep your bathroom clean and fragrant for a full month. Repeat this process whenever you want; It’s never too clean for the bathroom.

Did you know this amazing trick? Will you adopt it? With this technique, you will save time and contribute to the environment by avoiding the purchase of chemical and dangerous detergents.

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