If your watermelon looks like this, throw it away right away.

If you see foam on your watermelon, it means it has started to ferment and could be harmful if eaten. Here is what you need to do:

Do not eat a watermelon that is foaming.

Be careful: Move it gently to a spot in the room where it can be easily taken away. It’s best to put it in a plastic bag to reduce the mess and take it outside if possible.

Get rid of the watermelon right away to avoid it bursting. Put it in the trash can outside, away from the house.

Avoiding Watermelon Explosions

Even though it’s unlikely for your watermelon to explode, it’s best to be cautious. Here are some suggestions:

Check before purchasing: Choose watermelons that are firm, have a regular shape, and are free of bruises or marks. Avoid purchasing watermelons that have black spots, marks, or soft areas.

Store correctly: It is recommended to keep watermelons in a cool and dry place. The fridge is great because it stops food from going bad.

Eat watermelon soon after buying it to prevent it from fermenting.

Be careful: Avoid dropping or handling roughly, as this can create openings for bacteria to enter.

When I saw that message on social media, I immediately looked at the watermelon I purchased from the store. I’m glad everything was fine; it had a strong hold, no damage, and no strange odor. However, I couldn’t stop wondering what I would have done if it had started bubbling. The thought of a watermelon rotting in my kitchen is both amusing and gross at the same time.

I have frequently purchased the finest watermelon, tapping it to make sure it sounds right, and then enjoying it as a delicious summer snack. But now I do it in a slightly different way. I focus more on them and make sure they are well taken care of and put away properly. Next time you buy a watermelon, make sure to check it carefully. When you bring it home, remember to store it in the refrigerator. And if you notice it’s starting to bubble, you know what to do, don’t you? That means to remove it!

If your watermelon starts to look strange, like a character from X-Men, don’t overlook it. Get rid of it to avoid having a gross infestation of maggots in your house. Be cautious, stay safe, and enjoy your watermelon!

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