If you work handling luggage, here’s why you should never attach anything to your suitcase.

One careful passenger put a camera on their luggage to watch it after they no longer had it with them, as it went through the conveyor belts.

This shows a lot about our difficulties trusting others, but that’s a different topic.

Travelers often attach small decorations like keychains, tags, strings, or stickers to their bags to easily spot them on the luggage carousel. Tying a ribbon to the handle is also a common way to do this.

However, a worker who handles luggage at Dublin Airport warns that labeling your bags like this could ruin your vacation.

The worker, John, said that decorating your important luggage could cause problems instead of helping. Your things might not even get on the plane.

He said to RSVP Live: “The ribbons that people attach to their suitcases to recognize them can create problems when the bag is scanned in the baggage area.”

“If the bag cannot be scanned automatically, it may need to be processed manually, which could result in your bag not making it onto the plane,” he explained.

“Remove the old stickers from the bag because they can confuse the scanning process.”

John also gave some useful advice for travelers to remember if they want a hassle-free experience with their luggage, like placing your suitcase with the wheels up to prevent damage.

However, he always advises against packing Marzipan in your luggage. If you enjoy baking, make sure to bring a travel-friendly alternative with you.

The person handling luggage said that a dense mixture of almonds, sugar, and egg has a similar density to certain explosives. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you and your bag are selected for a detailed inspection.

Is it really worth missing the family holiday just for some Marzipan?

It seems like the best idea is to not bring ribbons and cake supplies with you if you want to catch your flight this summer.

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