I Returned from Holiday to Discover an Intruder Residing in My Home — He Wouldn’t Vacate, So I Handled It Myself

“Do you have any proof that she gave you permission to stay longer?” he asked.

Mark fumbled, trying to come up with an excuse. “It was verbal. I don’t have it in writing. There might have been a message, but I think I deleted it accidentally.”

“Can I see your ID, sir?” the officer asked.

Mark handed over his ID, and the officer radioed in to check his background. A moment later, the officer’s expression changed.

“Sir, you have an outstanding warrant for a shoplifting charge. I’m afraid we’ll have to take you in.”

Mark’s face went pale. “What? No, this is a mistake!”

The officer cuffed him and led him to the patrol car. “Ma’am, we’ll handle this from here. He won’t be coming back.”

As the police drove away with Mark, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I turned to Emily, who looked equally relieved.

“We did it,” I said, finally able to smile.

“Yeah, we did. I’m so sorry for all this, Lisa.”

“It’s okay, Emily. It’s over now.”

When I told Ethan and Chloe, they were happy to hear that everything was back to normal. Chloe gave me a big hug. “I’m glad he’s gone, Mom.”

“Me too, sweetie,” I said, feeling a surge of relief.

That night, we slept peacefully, knowing our home was safe again. We had faced a nightmare, but we came out stronger. Our home was truly ours once more.

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