Boss Accused Me of Faking That I Have a Son & Got Me Arrested after I Asked For a Week off to Care For My Sick Kid

I didn’t know what to do. If I was refused a call, how would anyone know I was here? My neighbor would keep Kenny after school until I got home. But other than that, Kenny only had me. After what felt like hours, another officer walked past the holding cell. “Please,” I said, running up to the bars. “I need to make my phone call.”She agreed and led me to the pay phone. I phoned my best friend, Mia. She was an attorney, and I knew I couldn’t afford her services, but she was the only person I had. “Mia,” I said quickly, not knowing how much time I had. “I’ve been arrested. I need you.” Mia came to the station, and they allowed her to see me immediately. Now, the plot thickens. Mia took my case without hesitation. “There’s something shady going on here,” she said. She spoke to a few of the officers – needless to say, a few voices were raised. Eventually, she got me out and I went home to Kenny. Then, she did some digging.It turns out that Mr. Williams orchestrated everything. He had paid off the officer to arrest me. See, according to our company contracts, if an employee is arrested, suspected, or involved in any criminal activity, the contract is to be terminated, and the company would take whatever money was outstanding. In my case, it was my salary yet to be paid. “Are you sure?” I asked Mia when she came over, and she told me everything. Including emails from Mr. Williams to the police officer. “Yes,” she said, helping herself to dinner. “It’s all a done deal now. Prison will be his home for the foreseeable future.” I smiled. This woman selflessly saved me from prison without taking a cent from me. And I know that Kenny and I will forever be indebted to her. The company, trying to save face and a lawsuit, gave me $40,000 as moral compensation and good faith, claiming that Mr. Williams acted alone.I was only in a holding cell for a few hours, but it was more than enough to scare me. I’m grateful for Mia and her faith in the justice system because I would still be waiting for some form of explanation and justice without that. Now, I’m working with Mia, taking care of her firm’s marketing needs and PR whenever called for. It’s a stable job, and I feel safe. Most importantly, I can provide for my son without worrying about who I work for. Has anything as ridiculous happened to you where you work?

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