A Blonde Is Swimming In A River

A blonde walks by a travel agency.

A blonde walks past a travel agency and notices a sign in the window, “Cruise Special – $99!”

She walks in, puts her money on the counter, and says, “I’d like the $99 cruise special, please.”

The agent grabs her, drags her into the back room, ties her to a large inner tube, then drags her out the back door and downhill to the river, where he pushes her in and sends her floating.

A second blonde walks by a few minutes later sees the sign, walks in, puts her money on the counter, and asks for the $99 special.

She too is tied to an inner tube and sent floating down the river.

Drifting into the stronger current, she eventually catches up with the first blonde.

They float side by side for a while before the first blonde asks, “Do they serve refreshments on this cruise?”

The second blonde replies, ” They didn’t last year.”


Hope this joke will make you smile! Have a nice day!!

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