6 Sisters Attempting to Break Guinness World Record

«We were all brought up in the church. We belong to the First Baptist Church here in Farmington, and our mother and dad took us to Sunday school in church [growing up],” Maxine shared. «They have instilled in us the importance of practicing the Golden Rule, treating others with kindness, and fostering love among each other. And, in fact, in our everyday experiences, we have made an effort to accomplish just that. It’s been truly amazing how everything unfolded for us. We were fortunate to have incredible parents.»

The sisters seem to have a great bond and get along wonderfully. However, as reported by Fox 2 St.Louis, there is one topic that sparks a lively debate among them: who makes the best pie crust?  I wonder if the family has a lot of taste tests to figure that out?

Congratulations to this incredible family of 6 sisters who have achieved a remarkable world record. May they continue to cherish their bond and the beautiful families they have built over the years.

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